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Business Growth Strategy Consulting

All businesses need to grow. Growth comes from increased revenue and profitability. In today's hyper- competitive, multidimensional world, new strategies are required to navigate your industry and dominate your space. 

Rainmethods can help you and your sales team to do just that. 

Purpose Driven Selling Course

Studies show that sales people achieve more for longer when they are motivated for a higher purpose than just the next commission payment. The Purpose Driven Selling 

course trains sales people on the latest selling methodologies through the lens of inspired self motivation

The Rainmaker Masterclass

The Rainmaker Masterclass is a 1 day training workshop designed for those new to selling but need to develop the latest and best rainmaking skills quickly. The course is perfect for new sales recruits, entrepreneurs and professional services personnel

The Rainmaker Workshop

The Rainmaker Workshop is a half day selling skills work- shop designed for sales professionals. The course focuses on introducing new selling concepts to the participants. The workshop fits in perfectly with corporate sales meetings as a way to refresh and to motivate sales personnel 

The Rainmaker Seminar

The Rainmaker Seminar is a 2 hour workshop designed to challenge and inspire all people in the business to think and act in a manner that catapults them towards their potential. Book a place now and inspire your team to achieve real excellence. 

Advanced Rainmaking Skills

The Rainmaker always needs to develop new skills particularly as the business and buying environment is forever changing. This 2 day course assumes one is conversant with the basics of selling and needs an understanding of the mindset and practice needed to take rainmaking to the next level. 

Purpose Driven Sales Leadership

Purpose driven Rainmakers need to be led by a purpose driven leader. 

Managing a successful sales team requires a leader that possesses a particular set of skills manifested through a character that appreciates the new selling landscape businesses find themselves. 2 day course. 

Business Growth Coaching

All business leaders require coaching in some shape or form, particularly when it comes to business growth. Our coaching services can be performed face to face or in a virtual environment encompassing all aspects of the business operation from sales to financial analysis; from strategic review to operations. Contact us for more information. 

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